Thursday, August 24, 2023

Is Being Too Good a Bad Thing?

From my experience, most people only care or think about themself. Being too good to other person will only open the door for others to take advantage of you. In the end it will backfired you.

So should you be a bad person? No. What we should do (at least for me) is being good accordingly and never do bad to others (unless for some concrete reason of course).

Care for ourselves first because almost no one will care about us. But if you met someone that think about everyone fairly, and sometimes sacrificing their-self, please appreciate them. Be grateful because this kind of people are hard to find.

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

I'm back!

I don't know why my heart was opened to do blogging again this night. So I revisit this blog of mine. Whoaa!! It has been 12 years I left my blog. Some part of the blog has fallen apart just like an empty old house. But yeah I think the layout is kind of evergreen suits me even until now. What do you think?

So I think I'll keep this layout and just do a little touch up or decoration here and there to make it looks alive again (even though I don't think it was alive back then 😅)

I think yes I think (a lot of thinking going on there), I got this call because I need and want to improve my weakness which is doing things half way hurm 😞.

So here I am. Back to blogging. Finish what I've started. I promise to myself, from now on;

  • Be a consistent type of person
  • Doing things wholeheartedly
  • Enjoy what I'm doing without thinking or stress too much about reward
  • Getting better and better day by day
That is for now. Later! but not too late of course.